Our target attendance is 100%.  As at Friday 12th July 2024 our attendance Year to Date is 94.63%

Apple Class - Reception/Year 1

Apple Class Staff:

Miss Cannon – Class Teacher

Mrs Szydlowski – HLTA

Mrs Elwes – 1:1 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Morris – 1:1 Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Apple Class! We are the youngest class in the school and the Reception and Year 1 children learn here. We provide a happy, safe and caring environment where children feel secure, giving them a strong foundation for learning. We encourage children to become independent and confident learners, to explore and discover things for themselves, whilst supporting them to make connections in their learning. The children work with adults, their peers or independently, to access their learning environment, both indoors and outdoors. We provide high quality teaching, organise school trips and offer enrichment activities, in order to encourage our children to become life-long learners and good citizens in the wider world.


In Apple Class, the Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. The EYFS framework sets out the key learning for your child’s early development and provides the foundations for all later learning and successes. The EYFS curriculum is divided into two main areas: the prime areas of learning and the specific areas of learning. Each area is divided into subcategories. The prime areas of learning are vitally important as these provide the basic systems and foundations which are essential to support learning in all the other areas.


The 3 prime areas are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

The 4 specific areas are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design


We also promote ‘characteristics of effective learning’ in Apple Class. These are the ways in which children engage with other people and their environment, through ‘play and exploring’, ‘active learning’ and ‘creating and thinking critically’. The characteristics of effective learning and the prime and specific areas of learning and development are all inter-connected and support your child in achieving their end of year ‘Early Learning Goals’. 

Year 1

In Apple Class, the year 1 children study the National Curriculum. We teach core subjects: English, Maths and Science. We also deliver foundation subjects: Art and Design, Design and Technology, Computing, Geography, History, Music, RE, PE and PSHE.

The children in Year 1 take part in the national phonics screening check during the summer term. The screening check was introduced in 2012 to all Year 1 pupils. It is a short, statutory assessment to ensure that children are making sufficient progress in the phonics skills to read words and are on track to become fluent readers, who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning. The check is not about passing or failing but checking appropriate progress is being made. If children do not reach the required standard, then we will be in touch to discuss plans and offer additional support, to ensure that your child improves their reading skills. Children progress at different speeds so not reaching the threshold score does not necessarily mean there is a serious problem. Your child will re-sit the check the following summer term. In our school, we already identify individual children who need extra support and provide early intervention, tailored to their needs.

Apple Class

Term 6 2023-24

Welcome to Term 6 in Apple Class.


This term Apple Class are learning about ‘Why we go to the Seaside’ The children have returned after the half term break to a beach house playhouse, ice-cream stand and a mini beach small world area in the classroom. 

Scan this QR code to view photos of the Skegness Beach Trip on 20.6.24.

Term 5 2023-24

Scan this QR code to view photos of the River Glen Trip on 25.4.24.

Term 4 2023-24

Our working walls.






Apple Class were lucky enough to be visited by Spalding Dental Surgery this term. The 2 lovely dental nurses who came, taught us about good and bad foods for our teeth, different types of teeth, shared fun facts about teeth and also explained what happens during a trip to the dentist. They also carried out an experiment to show us what happens with plaque and also shared some scary figures about how much sugar is in certain foods/drinks. Thank you to Spalding Dental Surgery for coming to see us and thank you for our goodie bags!

Term 3 2023-24

This term Apple Class have been using beebots to learn about direction, and made and tested kites in DT.  We have also had lots of fun in our outdoor area.  

Term 2 2023-24

Apple Class visited Farmer Louise at Tallington Farm.  The children learnt how bird feed is made up, filled up the bird feeders and met Gordon the farm dog.  They explored different Christmas tree varieties and now know how to tell how old a tree is.

Fred Frog Day – Wednesday 1st November

Term 1 2023-24

Scan this QR code to view photos and videos of the Reception Welcome Service 27.9.23.