Our School Motto:

"Let your light shine"

Matthew 5: 15

Let your child’s light shine in an incredible learning environment tailored to the understanding and diverse needs of each child.

Our Vision

At St Bartholomew’s we provide a gate way of discovery through our diverse curriculum and nurture global disciples who positively impact God’s gift to us – the world.  Our curriculum enables our learners to recognise their place in Pinchbeck West; the importance and value of where they live.  It aims to develop agents of change who are taught to protect the environment, solve problems to ensure society is a better place and take responsibility for their actions to make the future a somewhere far improved from where it is.  There is a clear focus on developing a rich vocabulary through a text centred approach and providing learners with the opportunity to independently gain powerful knowledge to ensure their future success.  Through boundless forgiveness, compassion and a safe learning environment our children can Let their Light Shine (Matthew 5:16).  We learn to love responsibly by developing the skills and knowledge needed under God’s spiritual counsel, bringing light to all those around us.  We are beacons of hope an our communities guided by God’s spirit and love.


Our Mission

At St Bartholomew’s we encourage each other to achieve our full potential within our nurturing community.


Every person is guided to fulfil their hopes and aspirations, enabling them to reach their full potential. We place no ceiling on expectations. Our growth mind-set helps us to accept where we are, understand barriers and with hope and faith overcome and succeed.


We give our children exceptional experiences, everlasting knowledge and equip them with the skills needed to make good judgements for the greater good, guided by God’s patience and love.


We radiate belief which generates self-worth in all who come through our doors. Everyone is reminded daily of their worth and significance in our community.

British Values

Ofsted & Performance Data

OFSTED: “the ambition of raising aspirations and broadening horizons sits at the heart of St Bartholomew’s.” “Through the school’s values of friendship, love, tolerance and acceptance, forgiveness, trust and hope, staff teach pupils how to be sociable and respectful citizens.”

SIAMS: “…leadership is decisive and impactful, giving clear direction and stability. Building on the principle ‘let your light shine’, the school is a place of acceptance and nurture. Pupils are enabled to grow as confident, well-rounded individuals.”

Additional Information

Attendance 2024-25

All schools are expected to keep their attendance over 96%. If your child has a cold, they should still be in school.  If you need any help with attendance, please speak to Miss Ingle as she will help in any way that she can.  Dr Chris Whitty released this statement via the DfE: “It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat. However, children should not be sent to school if they have a temperature of 38°C or above.”

Please see our year to date attendance which is located underneath our school logo on every page.

Children who achieve 100% attendance at the end of the week are entered into a draw each term.  The draw is made on the first day of each new term.   

Attendance 2024-25 Winners

On Tuesday 29th October 2024, the winner for Term 1  was selected.

On Monday 27th January 2024, the winner for Term 2 was selected.

Term 3 Winner

Term 4 Winner

Term 5 Winner

Term 6 Winner

Attendance 2023-24 Winners

On Monday 19th February 2024, the winner for Term 3 was selected.

On Thursday 18th April 2024, the winner for Term 4 was selected.

On Monday 3rd June  2024, the winner for Term 5 was selected.

On Friday 12th July 2024, the winner for Term 6 was selected.