Our target attendance is 100%.  As at Friday 12th July 2024 our attendance Year to Date is 94.63%

Our Vision

Our School Motto:

"Let your light shine"

Matthew 5: 15

Let your child’s light shine in an incredible learning environment tailored to the understanding and diverse needs of each child.

At St Bartholomew’s we provide a gate way of discovery through our diverse curriculum and nurture global disciples who positively impact God’s gift to us – the world.  Our curriculum enables our learners to recognise their place in Pinchbeck West; the importance and value of where they live.  It aims to develop agents of change who are taught to protect the environment, solve problems to ensure society is a better place and take responsibility for their actions to make the future a somewhere far improved from where it is.  There is a clear focus on developing a rich vocabulary through a text centred approach and providing learners with the opportunity to independently gain powerful knowledge to ensure their future success.  Through boundless forgiveness, compassion and a safe learning environment our children can Let their Light Shine (Matthew 5:16).  We learn to love responsibly by developing the skills and knowledge needed under God’s spiritual counsel, bringing light to all those around us.  We are beacons of hope an our communities guided by God’s spirit and love.


Every person is guided to fulfil their hopes and aspirations, enabling them to reach their full potential. We place no ceiling on expectations. Our growth mind-set helps us to accept where we are, understand barriers and with hope and faith overcome and succeed.


We give our children exceptional experiences, everlasting knowledge and equip them with the skills needed to make good judgements for the greater good, guided by God’s patience and love.


We radiate belief which generates self-worth in all who come through our doors. Everyone is reminded daily of their worth and significance in our community.


St Bartholomew’s is a small but mighty, rural, Church of England school. Isaiah 60:22 ‘… God loves to take a little and make something great out of it. The little we may have can be greatly multiplied when placed in His hands.


Our school is led by our Headteacher, supported by a team of staff and governors who work closely together to maintain the highest of standards and a Christian ethos that allows all who pass through our doors to flourish. We ask for God’s direction to ensure our decisions are sound according to God’s will: ‘Your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my feet.’ Psalm 119: 105.


We serve our community by always trying to be at the heart of village needs and events, no matter how big or small. We aim to show the light of Jesus Christ even in the darkest of places and spread a message of hope and light to all, “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” John 1:5, NLT.  Our school’s spirit of drive and excellence enables all in our community to aspire, realise their full potential and become disciples of change within the communities we serve by letting their light shine (Matthew 5: 14-16) in the glory of God (Corinthians 10: 31).


We follow closely with the guidance of Lincoln Diocesan Board of Education in faithful worship, confident discipleship and joyful service, bearing witness to our belief that every child is made in the image of God and loved by Him. St Bartholomew’s was founded for the good of our local communities, so that children and adults can flourish through the stories and value of Christianity.

St Bartholomew’s School Community embodies a diverse range of religious, economic and cultural backgrounds, where everyone is welcome. Our door and arms are always open whether it be for learning, company, comfort, support or any other reason.