"Let your light shine"
Matthew 5: 15

The Church of England’s purpose in its schools is providing a distinctive and effective education that reflects God’s love for humanity. Church of England schools do not try to convert, but rather they give children from many walks of life the opportunity to learn within a Christian environment.
Within the context of the Christian faith, we ensure that the spiritual development of every member of our school community is nurtured, thus enabling all to flourish and to live life in all it’s fullness (John 10:10).
We work closely with the Lincoln Diocesan Board of Education and with their guidance strive for faithful worship, confident discipleship and joyful service bearing witness to our belief that each one of us is made in the image of God and loved by him. St Bartholomew’s was founded for the good of our local communities, so that children and adults can flourish through the stores and values of Christianity.
Please see our self-evaluation documentation below.
As a Church School, it is important to emphasise that all our teachers are able to deliver our Religious Education Curriculum. If needed, our reserve teacher is:
Miss Catherine Cox, RE Subject Leader
Please see below, a letter from the Diocese.