Our target attendance is 100%.  As at Friday 12th July 2024 our attendance Year to Date is 94.63%

Our Collective Worship


Collective Worship at St Bartholomew’s takes place:


  • In School
  • In Church
  • In Class


It is the unique heartbeat of our community enabling each member to flourish and to ‘live life in all its fullness’ John 10:10.


Our Collective Worship includes:


  • Singing of ancient and modern hymns or songs
  • Adults and children are invite to focus on the values expressed in the teachings of Jesus Christ
  • Reflections on how the teachings of Jesus Christ relate to today’s world
  • An opportunity to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God.


Collective Worship offers time to:


  • Worship
  • Reflect
  • Pray
  • Question
  • Be still


I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1


Our Collective Worship ensures that everyone in our community can:


  • Grow spiritually
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of the liturgical traditions
  • Explore the Church Year


Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).


Participation in religious services is associated with numerous aspects of human flourishing, including happiness and life satisfaction, mental and physical health, meaning and purpose, character and virtue, and close social relationships. Our school enjoys strong links with St Bartholomew’s Church, West Pinchbeck. Our services take place at church regularly and we collaborate:


  • Liturgical Events in the Church Calendar (Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter)
  • Special Occasions in the life of our School
  • Thirsty on a Thursday
  • Historical National Events


Our children bring love and hope to elderly members of the village community as well as creating opportunities for the future community to come and worship together. Psalms 145:4 One generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty acts.


Collective Worship Policy

Year 6 Leavers' Assembly - 19th July 2024

Mrs Davison presenting a bible to one of our Year 6 children.

West Pinchbeck Flower Festival - May 2024

Our ‘We Will Change The World’ Banner.

Easter Service - March 2024







Scan this QR code to view exerts from our Easter Service that took place in St Bartholomew’s Church on Thursday 28th March 2024

Christingle Carol Service - December 2023

As dusk set, light shone through the beautiful church windows of St Bartholomew’s as our community gathered to celebrate this wonderful time of year, filled with the spirit of Christmas and sharing with joy the message brought to the world through the birth of a child over 2000 years ago, through stories, poetry and song. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to our wonderful children for leading our Christingle and Carol Service and shining their light.  Miss Cox

Community Christmas Cards - December 2023

The children made Christmas cards and delivered them within our local community.

The cards were made by Apple, Oak and Willow Class respectfully.

Decoration of Christmas Tree in Spalding Methodist Church - 21st November 2023






On Tuesday 21st November 2023, four children from Palm Class represented St Bartholomew’s at Spalding Methodist Church.  The children decorated a Christmas tree using the decorations made specifically for this event by all the children.




Remembrance Day Service - November 2023

Reception Welcome Service - 27th September 2023

Miss Ingle presenting a bible to one of our Reception children