Our target attendance is 100%.  As at Friday 12th July 2024 our attendance Year to Date is 94.63%

SEND Provision at St Bartholomew's C of E Primary

Local Offer

As part of the changes within the Children and Families Bill, local authorities are required to develop a ‘Local Offer’, which will provide information for children, young people with special needs and disabilities  (SEND) and their parents/carers in a single place, helping them to understand what services they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies.

For details of the Lincolnshire County Council local offer: click here.

Mrs Davison is the named school SENDCo.  Mrs Davison holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Special Needs and the National SENDCo Award.  You can contact Mrs Davison on 01775 640357 or alternatively you may email Mrs Davison at senco@stbartholomews.lincs.sch.uk.

Dr Ellis is a Consultant Psychologist with 25 years of working in the NHS in children’s mental health services, as well as family experience of children with additional needs, and works alongside Mrs Davison and the Board of Governors as SENDCo Governor.  

Mrs K Davison

SENDCo: Mrs K Davison (senco@stbartholomews.lincs.sch.uk)

Dr E Ellis

SENDCo Governor

The documentation below summarises the school’s SEND provision:

St Bartholomew's Local Offer 2023

Download now

Local Offer 2023

Accessibility Plan

SEND Annual Report 2023

SEND Policy September 2023

SEND Abbreviations


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Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum

Other SEND Information