Online Safety


Below are some key statistics from Ofcom, 2020, to highlight why it is so important to effectively educate children about online safety from a young age.

Have there own tablet
1 %

Have their own tablet

3-4 year olds
1 %

Play video games online

5-7 year olds
1 %

have their own social media profile

Have there own tablet
1 %

Play games online

8-11 year olds
1 %

 have their own social media profile

8-11 year olds
1 %

watch YouTube for 10+ hours a week 

Online safety is a vital part of keeping children safe at St Bartholomew’s Primary School.

We strongly encourage sensible use of digital and online technologies as they open up huge possibilities for learning for all of our children. Children can use the internet to research new information, as well as connecting to people they know. We want our children to enjoy the benefits of the internet but at the same time we believe they must be made aware of the potential dangers involved in this ever changing digital world.

We teach online safety in school so that our children know how to behave online and feel safe and confident using the internet. Children today are part of a digital world and often use a wide range of devices, both inside and outside of school. When technology is used correctly, it can be a fantastic learning tool but children need to have a secure understanding of the rules and expectations regarding online safety.

As part of your child’s curriculum, we provide access to the internet during teacher supervised lessons. We believe that the use of the internet is hugely worthwhile and an essential tool for children as they grow up in the modern world. We understand there are always concerns about children having access to undesirable materials, which is why our school internet provider operates a filtering system that restricts access to inappropriate materials, keeping our children safe at all times.

Risks your child may face online

The ‘thinkuknow’ website has lots of information about the online risks your child may encounter. Clicking on the links below will take you to information regarding topics such as: online bullying, grooming, inappropriate websites, viruses, hacking and security plus many more topics.

County Lines & Child Exploitation Parent Webinar

Tuesday 26th November 7-8pm

Join the interactive webinar which explains what criminal exploitation including county lines is and how to spot signs as it may be happening to your child or a child you know.

It covers what it looks like in your local area and where to get advice and support if you are concerned.

The interactive webinar will also give you the opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and connect with others.


  • Learn what county lines is
  • Understand what is happening in your local area
  • Understand the signs that your child might be at risk
  • Learn how offenders groom and exploit children

A Date with Dan

Thank you to the parents/carers/guardians who attending the ‘Date with Dan’ Q&A session on 14th June 2023.  Please see below a recording of the session along with links that are mentioned. 

A Date with Dan

Thank you to the parents who attended the ‘Date with Dan’ Q and A session. Throughout the session, the speakers mentioned a few places where you can access guides to help you keep your children safe at home.

Parental control guides for consoles, home broadband, entertainment apps and more.

Thinkuknow. A website with more information about grooming, how to talk to children about online risk and how to manage their safety online.

A video about managing group chats for primary age students

A video about indecent image sharing (Sexting) for teens

A video on gaming for primary age students

LSCP YouTube Channel. Has a number of videos for parents, carers and professionals on subjects such as grooming, sexting, parental controls and more.

A video about malicious communications

Online Gaming Safety Posters

Online bullying

Parent’s guide to Online Safety Session ran by Dan Hawbrook (Lincs e-safety officer)

Dan Hawbrook spoke to parents around online safety and keeping their children safe. The session can be found on the link below. Dan looks at the positive and negative sides of the internet. He explores popular apps – looking at what they are and how to keep your children safe on them. He offers techniques used in grooming, sending nudes and details agencies that can offer support and help. It is worth a watch for all parents. 

Drugs & Alcohol Misuse Strategy(Parents - have your say) 25th April 2023